MOMS Orange County

Milk Meet-up coming up on August 9, 2024

To drop off milk please call 714-972-2610 to schedule a drop off time.

About us

Based in Santa Ana, MOMS Collection Center is Orange County’s first Human Milk Collection Center. Our vision for this project is to offer a safe, convenient place for our local community to donate surplus breast milk. MOMS Collection Center opened in July 2023, and has been incredibly successful, becoming one of the top centers in our region. We understand the importance of breast feeding, also the struggles that can accompany it. Through our partnership with Mother’s Milk Bank, we are able to help those families in need. Since human breast milk is the preferred source of nutrition for medically fragile infants in NICUs, we realize that having such services available in our community is vital for donor and recipient alike. “We know it takes a village to support the nursing journey and we are excited to play a role in collecting donor milk for families and babies who need it most,” said Sarah O’Rourke, MOMS Orange County’s Chief Program Officer.

Meet the Team