Every Drop Counts: Will You Be Our Next Milk Hero?
Thank you for considering donating your breast milk to help babies in need. When a mother doesn’t have enough breast milk or is unable to provide breast milk for her baby, donor milk is the next best option. Your generosity gives every baby the chance to grow healthy and strong. Together, we can make a real difference in their lives.
At Mothers’ Milk Bank California, we stand behind the science that Breast milk gives babies the best possible chance at healthy growth and development from day one. We rely upon the generosity and goodwill of healthy milk donors to provide this lifesaving nourishment to a growing number of hospitals, families, and premature or at-risk babies every day. The benefits are immeasurable–from protecting against illness and infection, to supporting brain development and digestion for life.
When it comes to the health and well-being of babies, especially those at great risk, breast milk is the ideal food. It’s packed with nutrients and antibodies, contains just the right amount of calories and fluids, and helps protect against diseases and serious complications. Whether it’s stomach bugs and ear infections or asthma and diabetes, medical experts say that babies should be fed breast milk exclusively for the first six months of life to get the best possible health outcomes. But according to the World Health Organization (WHO), less than half of infants under six months old are exclusively breastfed.
Milk banks play a vital role, saving lives and enhancing babies’ immune systems with every donated ounce of breast milk.
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(option 3)
We make sure to use every drop of donated breast milk, even the kind that’s not suitable for babies, is used for studies or research purposes. If you’re a mom who’s been through loss and is donating milk, we hope this process brings some healing and comfort. We’re here to support you however we can.
There is no cost to being a milk donor. From your initial screening to the storage and shipment of your frozen donated breast milk, all costs are covered by Mothers’ Milk Bank California. A diligent intake process allows Mothers’ Milk Bank California to ensure that milk donors meet standard safety requirements, allowing their milk to support the growth and development of premature, critically ill, malnourished, or at-risk babies.
Once you have collected a minimum of 100 ounces of frozen breast milk, there are four steps to getting your donated milk dispensed to hospitals and families, outlined below. If you are experiencing the loss of your baby, there is no minimum amount of milk required to donate.
Step 1. Initial screening questionnaire
Get started by filling out the form, and a milk donor services coordinator will get in touch with you.
Step 2. Quick phone chat
This interview is to understand your general health, meds, supplements, and breastfeeding experience. Available in English, Spanish, or Vietnamese.
Step 3. Completion of donor packet
Share more about your medical history and lifestyle and sign medical consent forms.
Step 4. Blood work
The final step in the screening process is to complete blood work, which will be coordinated and paid for by Mothers’ Milk Bank California.
💕 We’ve Moved to a New Home!
Our website is now at mothersmilk.org, where you’ll find all our forms and donation options just as before.
We can’t wait to see you there! 💙