Honoring Our First Milk Donor: A Tribute to Compassion

By Teresa Asquith, Founder and Former Executive Director, Mothers’ Milk Bank California

As I reflect on the remarkable journey that led to the creation of Mothers’ Milk Bank, I am filled with profound gratitude for the incredible individuals who joined me in this endeavor. My name is Maria Teresa, though many know me simply as Teresa, and I am humbled by the memories of our beginnings. 

It was in 1974 that a pivotal moment altered the course of my life forever. Working tirelessly as a transplant technician at the Institute for Medical Research at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, I received a call from a pediatrician in Los Gatos, CA. The urgency in his voice was palpable as he shared the plight of an infant suffering from malabsorption syndrome. 

In that moment, there was no hesitation. Drawing upon the resources at my disposal and rallying local milk donors to our cause, we mounted a response that would prove to be life-saving. That infant’s survival, thanks to the human donor milk we collected, marked not only a medical triumph but also the birth of Mothers’ Milk Bank

Our journey began in a modest trailer, where we opened our doors to mothers eager to lend their support. Together, we created a space where compassion flowed freely, where stories were shared, and where bonds were forged in the name of a common purpose. 

In those early days, as we struggled to find our footing, there were moments when doubt crept in. No one thought a milk bank of this nature could survive. But through sheer determination and the unwavering support of our community, we persevered. 

Today, as we celebrate over five decades of service, we pause to honor and remember our very first milk donor. Her selflessness paved the way for countless others to follow, offering hope and sustenance to infants in need. 

In paying tribute to her legacy, we renew our commitment to the values that have guided us from the outset: compassion, inclusivity, and generosity. As we continue our mission of providing human milk to premature infants with fragile medical needs, we do so with a profound sense of responsibility to honor those who have come before us. 

To our first milk donor and to all who have joined us on this journey, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your kindness, your dedication, and your unwavering support have been the driving force behind everything we have accomplished. 

As we look to the future of Mothers’ Milk Bank California, I invite you to join us in our mission by becoming a milk donor. Your contribution has the power to change lives and bring hope to families in need. Together, we can continue to be a beacon of light in the darkest of times, offering solace, support, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.